Graduation: The Traditional Dream

The book explores the present formalities in the education system and how society stopped being intentional about the real importance of having children at school. We seem to have become obsessed with grades and attaining certain educational levels yet fail to generate skillful and critical thinkers who can stand on their own.

This book lays down solutions to these ‘traditions’ and how education can be made more deliberate to achieve better and desirable results.

The book also features inspirational people from society like Fagil Mady, Dr. Miria Matembe, Prof. Elly Katunguka, Faridah Nakazibwe, Alexander Bagonza (A pass), Dr. Innocent Nahabwe, Douglas Lwanga, Ahumuza Brian (Abryanz)Abryanz and Dr. Maggie Kigozi, sharing their stories through, and after school. These offer great insights on how they have managed to be where they are and further give their perception of the Ugandan/African education system and what they think should be done.

This book is good for a parent raising a child, teachers, scholars at all levels, school dropouts, graduates, and policymakers.